
Ilford HP5 film
Swansee Town, New Hampshire, April 2011

A few weeks ago I went to a trading post in Swansee Town, NH with my old high school pal Derek. I was on the lookout for old cameras and he was looking for an antique radio. We both scored huge, with me finding a 1947 Argus rangefinder and some kick ass LPs and Derek finding a broken radio from the 40s (he didn't need it to work, just needed it to look old and cool). After we were done at Bill's Trading Post, we noticed the "Swansee Flea" across the street. What we found can only be described as classic New Hampshire*.

"Are there 8 days in a week? No? Should I remake the sign? Screw it. I'll just scribble a 7 over it and no one will notice."

PS: Whoever Frenchie is, they sure are gonna be pissed when they find out you were closed on a Tuesday jerks.

*Derek and I grew up in a town named Berlin, pronounced with the emphasis on the BER. It used to be pronounced the same way as Berlin, Germany (with the emphasis on the LIN), but the town collectively decided to change the pronunciation after WWI. So basically they didn't want to be associated with Germany, but not enough to have to go around changing all those "Bienvenue a Berlin" signs. Clearly there's nothing New Hampshire-ites hate more than wasting a good sign.


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